Wednesday 7 November 2012


I get a kick out of Joe Blow: up in arms against abortion, typing furiously whilst slicing his morning banana, sipping his coffee.  Coffee and bananas, the production of which violated all imaginable human rights – causing birth defects, miscarriages, depression and death.

Or those feminists: touting women’s rights over their bodies whilst applying makeup advertised by pro-anorexia big-wigs that profit on the backs of multitudes of enslaved females around the world.  Or the dude hollering about the economy, sporting his sweatshop-made attire from head to toe.  Or the fine couple in their vacant house, enraged that more is not being done for the poor. 

All these efforts are but vanity toward world change.  A vote is valuable, yes – this blood-bought freedom cannot be understated – but the daily life decisions of the citizens are what really affect transformation.


  1. wow dan. i'm definitely sharing this. love, love, love. and yes, the painting is stellar... i think i would like to be friends with the artist :P
